Returning to Healthy Routines

A Guide to Getting Back on Track

Summer is almost over, and many of us have enjoyed lazy days, late nights, and perhaps a little too much indulgence. But with fall approaching, it's time to return to everyday life and regain our healthy routines. Whether you've taken a break from working out, eaten more than usual, or just relaxed a bit too much, it's completely okay! Here are some tips to get back on track and resume your healthy habits.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Start by setting small, realistic goals that are easy to achieve. Instead of trying to change everything at once, focus on one thing at a time. It could be going to the gym twice a times a week, eating more vegetables with every meal, or taking a daily walk. Small steps lead to big changes!

2. Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals in advance can help you stick to healthy choices. Take some time each week to plan and prepare your meals. This reduces the temptation to grab quick, unhealthy options when you're hungry. Try to include a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in every meal to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.

3. Reintroduce Regular Exercise

It can be tough to get back into your workout routine after a break, but it's important to start gently and build up gradually. Find a form of exercise that you enjoy, whether it's yoga, running, strength training, or dancing. Working out with a friend can also be a great motivation and make it more fun to return to your routine.

*Remember to get your Grounded Factory yoga mat for all your home workouts and yoga sessions. 

4. Establish a Regular Sleep Routine

Sleep is crucial for our health and well-being. Try to return to a regular sleep cycle by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Avoid screens at least an hour before bed and create a relaxing evening routine to signal to your body that it's time to rest.

5. Be Kind to Yourself

It's important to remember that it's perfectly normal to fall out of routine sometimes. If you feel overwhelmed, take a step back and remind yourself that every little step counts. Be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for the progress you're making, no matter how small it may seem.

6. Find Balance

Living healthily is all about balance. It's okay to treat yourself occasionally or to take a rest day from exercise. The key is finding a lifestyle that you can maintain in the long term, where you feel good both physically and mentally.

7. Focus on the Whole Picture

Remember that health isn't just about what you eat or how much you exercise, but also about your mental well-being. Take time for activities that make you happy, like spending time with friends, reading a book, or simply enjoying a quiet moment to yourself. A healthy lifestyle is holistic and encompasses both body and mind.


Getting back to healthy routines after a break can feel challenging, but with small steps and the right mindset, it's entirely possible. By setting realistic goals, planning your meals, reintroducing exercise, establishing a sleep routine, and being kind to yourself, you can gradually return to the habits that make you feel your best. Remember, health is about balance, and the most important thing is to find a routine that works for you.

Keep your eyes open for Grounded Factory wellness events all fall - to help you get motivated and inspired to commit to your health and wellbeing. 

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