KAP – the spiritual therapy form
First introduced in Sweden in 2019, Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) is explained as a gentle way of awakening the kundalini energy through energy transmission. In a class sudden movements can arise, and deep insights and realizations are some of the benefits that a class participant may experience.
Kundalini energy is described as the ultimate life-force energy. When awakened, the kundalini energy is believed to lead to spiritual liberation. By activating the kundalini energy energetic and emotional blockages can be released and connect you to your higher self. In Sanskrit, Kundalini means ”coiled snake,” and in the yogic tradition it is believed that the energy lies coiled at the base of the spine ready to be activated and, when so happens, move around through the body as a serpent.

A kundalini awakening is a powerful spiritual experience, in which someone may experience euphoria, strong feelings of freedom from the ego, letting go of past traumas, new insights and an overall strong connection to the universe. Practices such as yoga, breath work and meditation can evoke the experience. But it can also happen suddenly, without triggers.
”Kundalini has a bit of a bad reputation, because in many practices, such as Kundalini yoga or breath work, activation of energy is forced. In KAP, the energy comes from the top, the crown chakra, and moves down through the body which means that you only let in as much energy as you’re able to handle, making it more gentle. The energy builds, and the more you expose yourself to the energy the deeper you’ll go,” Bergh says.
What happens during a KAP-class?
A class normally begins with a long introduction by the facilitator, who describes what KAP is, how the energy moves around in the body and what might happen during a class, both physically and mentally. The facilitator then performs a demonstration with volunteers. And finally, all participants lay down on their backs with their eyes closed.
”I start playing loud music and proceed to walk around and touch chakra and meridian points, which are energetic hubs, and move my hands over the participants’ bodies,” Bergh says. ”That’s what happens on the outside, but what happens on the inside is another story.”
Those who have already been to a class are able to attend shorter KAP-classes, without the introduction. Bergh explains that the more frequently you attend classes, the deeper you are able to go. Yet she recommends attending a maximum of one KAP-class per week.
”I think everyone who feels curious should try KAP, it’s hard to explain the process in words, it needs to be experienced. But it’s completely fine to be skeptical, in fact I promote questioning experiences and I fully understand that it may appear a little bit unusual at first,” she says.
KAP-facilitator trainings

KAP was founded by Venant Wong, who is, according to his website bio ”a transmission vehicle, transmitting the raw life force of kundalini”. It was about 6 years ago that he developed KAP together with Sigrid Brelid, his partner in life and business. They then started hosting trainings, for more people to be able to facilitate KAP-classes.
Bergh first heard about KAP via her childhood friend Brelid and she attended their class in Stockholm in 2019.
”I’m not sure how I made my way home after that first class, I have no recollection of walking home. I was astonished and was trying to understand what had just happened to me. I immediately longed to learn more,” she says.
In the early stages Wong carefully selected people to join his trainings and Bergh was one of the first to be invited. In 2019, she became the very first facilitator in Sweden. The number of facilitators have now grown to 15 in Sweden and approximately 250-300 worldwide. Students can now apply to the trainings without an invitation from Wong, approximately 25% of all applicants are accepted to the trainings.
”The aim is to spread this powerful practice that supports people in their personal growth as well as their spiritual practice,” Bergh says.
By Nicky RosenbergImages: Julia Bergh
Hej! Jag vill jättegärna lära mig denna fina kunskap.
Hallo, I would like to become a kundalini facilitator. Please, can you tell me, where I can take lessons? There are some offers on internet, but I am not sure, which one is suitable.
Thank you for your unswer, Kateřina.
Jag undrar också om det finns någon kommande utbildning inom KAP facilitator nivå ett 2024? Varma hälsningar Theolina
Hi I would like to know if there are any comming trainings for KAP facilitator level 1 on 2024 ?
Thanks 🙏